FAQs :: Zaggle EMS

Frequently Asked Questions

If your questions doesn't figure here, just ask us at EMSSupport@zaggle.in


What happens to our data in case Zaggle’s system goes down?

Be rest assured. Your data is safe with us. All your data is saved very securely on AWS servers with an appropriate level of redundancy to avoid any data loss.

How do I change the primary email address in my Zaggle EMS Account?

You will have to contact your organization's EMS admin to change your email address.

How can someone add and submit expenses on Zaggle EMS if they don’t have a smartphone?

Zaggle EMS is a cloud-based application. You can create and submit expenses on both mobile applications and on desktop by logging into zaggleems.com.

What happens if someone loses their receipt? Can they get it back from Zaggle EMS?

Yes. All the receipts uploaded to Zaggle EMS remain saved. You can just open the expense and download the receipt from there anytime.

Why have some users not received the invitation email for joining the organization in Zaggle EMS?

Please ask the users to check the spam, junk and promotions folders in their email. If some user has still not got the mail, the administrator can delete the user from the Employees section in the admin dashboard and add again.


Can I attach multiple receipts to an expense?

Yes. You can attach up to 3 receipts of a maximum of 1 MB each to an expense. Files of JPG, PNG, and PDF formats can be uploaded as receipts.

How can I upload my receipts?

You can upload your receipts both through the mobile application and web dashboard. The receipts can be attached to an existing expense or a new expense can be created automatically by scanning a receipt through the smart scan in the mobile application.

What is a Smart Scan?

Smart Scan is an option through which you can create expenses automatically by scanning the receipt with OCR using state of the art technology. It can be accessed through the Zaggle mobile application.

When does the smart scan fail?

The smart scan may fail in the following cases:

  • When the file format of the receipt is not supported.
  • When the receipt does not contain sufficient data for the creation of the expense or the receipt is faded.
  • When a receipt is in an unsupported language.
  • When more than one receipt scanned as a single image.

Can I upload receipts in any format?

Files of JPG, PNG, and PDF formats can be uploaded as receipts.

Can I switch off Smart Scan and record expenses from receipts manually?

Users have a choice of uploading receipts directly. But, if an organization wants to do away with the Smart Scan completely, they can contact Zaggle and have it turned off.


What is a reimbursable expense?

An amount expended by an employee on behalf of the organization is a reimbursable expense. The amount has to be reimbursed to the employee based on compliance with the policies.

What is a non-reimbursable expense?

An amount spent by an employee on behalf of the organization through the advances received from the organization is a non-reimbursable expense. No reimbursement is needed in this case but approval is needed to check compliance with the policies.

Should an expense always have a receipt attached to it?

No. You can create an expense without any receipt also. You will receive a warning to attach a receipt while saving or submitting such an expense if it is against the organization’s policies.

What is a policy violation?

A policy violation occurs when an expense violates the policy set by the organization such as the amount of an expense exceeding the provided limit or unavailability of the required documents.

Can I submit an expense that has a policy violation?

Yes, you can add an expense with policy violation to the report and submit it and submit it for approval. The approvers will be able to see the policy violation warnings and react appropriately.

In case approver and admin wants to obtain some additional information about the expenses from submitters, how can they do that?

They can add comments on an expense report. The submitters will get notified and can review and provide the information.

How many expenses can be added to my expense report?

There are no limits to the number of expenses in a number of report. You can add as many expenses in a report as required

How can I export my expenses?

To export your expenses, login to zaggleems.com, go to expenses and click on the export to Excel button at the bottom of the page.

Can an expense be removed from a report?

Yes, an expense can be removed from the report before the report has been submitted. To remove as an expense from the submitted report, however, you have to first recall the report, then remove the expense and re-submit.

How do I modify a submitted expense?

To modify an expense from a submitted report, you have to first recall the report, then remove the expense and re-submit.

What information does the history section provide about an expense entry or an expense report?

The history section includes all the changes and updates being made by any user along with the time of update and the name of the user who has made an update.

Is it possible to add expenses in bulk?

Yes, you can log in to zaggleems.com go to expenses, then to the Bulk Add Expenses tab. You can add multiple expenses at once from here.

Expense Categories

Why do I need expense categories?

Expense categories can be used to classify different types of expenses so that the organization can easily understand where they are spending their money and keep tab on their expenses.

Can I add a new expense category if required?

Yes, new expense categories can be created by the EMS admin or any other role with the required access by going to the below path:
Administrator Dashboard -> Admin -> Categories.

Where can I set general rules for categories?

General rules which are applicable to all the categories can be set by creating and editing policies and limits from the below path:
Administrator Dashboard -> Admin -> Policies and Limits

Can I set different rules for a specific category?

Yes, you can set the different rules and limits for each category at the below path:
Administrator Dashboard -> Admin -> Categories -> Select any Category -> Edit.


How can I add a mileage rate?

EMS admin or any role with appropriate access can add a mileage rate by going to the below path:
Administrator Dashboard -> Admin -> Mileage Rate -> Add Mileage Rate.

How can I edit an existing mileage rate?

EMS admin or any role with appropriate access can edit an existing mileage rate by going to the below path:
Administrator Dashboard -> Admin -> Mileage Rate -> Select a Mileage Rate -> Edit

Can I manually enter a milage amount?

All users can manually enter a mileage amount from below path:
End-User Dashboard -> Expenses -> Add Expense -> Mileage -> Enter Distance
Mobile Application -> Expense -> Add+ -> Mileage -> Enter Distance

How to add mileage using odometer reading?

All users can add mileage using odometer reading from below path:
End-User Dashboard -> Expenses -> Add Expense -> Mileage -> Odometer Reading
Mobile Application -> Expense -> Add+ -> Mieage -> Odometer Reading

How to add mileage using Geolocation?

All users can add mileage using Geolocation from below path:
End-User Dashboard -> Expenses -> Add Expense -> Mileage -> Geo location
Mobile Application -> Expense -> Add+ -> Mieage -> Geo location

How to add mileage using GPS tracking?

All users can add mileage using GPS tracking through mobile application from below path:
Mobile Application -> Expense -> Add+ -> Mileage -> GPS tracking

Expense Reports

How do I create an expense report?

An expense report can be created both from mobile application and web dashboard.
To create an expense report from mobile application, go to below path:
Mobile Application -> report-> Add+
To create an expense report from web dashboard, go to below path:
End-user dashboard -> Expense Rreport -> Add Report

How do I delete an expense report?

Only the expense report that have not been submitted or have been recalled can be deleted. To delete an expense, go to below path:
Mobile application -> Reports -> View All -> Select a Report -> Left swipe
End-User Dashboard -> Expense reports -> Select a Report -> More -> Delete

How can I include expenses to an expense report?

To include expenses to an expense report, either the expenses which are already created and not been added to any report can be added directly or new expenses can be created and added at the time of report creation. These options are available both in mobile application and web dashboard.

What are the formats in which I can export expense reports?

The Expense Reports can be exported as excel or PDF from the web dashboard below paths.
End-user Dashboard -> Expense Reports -> Select a report -> More -> Export to Excel
End-user Dashboard -> Expense Reports -> Select a report -> More -> Download as PDF

What happens to the expenses if I delete the expense report?

If you delete an expense report containing some expenses, the expenses will be moved back to being saved and unreported expenses and can be added to any other/new report.

What is the purpose of adding comments to an expense report?

Through comments, the submitters and approvers can mention their concerns regarding the report so that the other party can be notified about the same in real-time.

Who can view my expense reports?

Only the approver(s) of your expense reports as well as any other admin users in your organization with the access to view the reports can view your expense reports.

Can I add a non-reimbursable expense to a report?

Yes, non-reimbursable expenses can also be added to an expense report. But, they would not be calculated in the amount to be reimbursed for the report.

Can expenses with policy violations be added to the expense report?

Yes, expenses with Policy Violation can be added to the expenses report. But, a warning will be shown to the submitter on adding such expenses and submitting the report and to each approver before approving or reimbursing such a report.

Can I attach files with my expense report?

No, currently you can’t add files to a report. If you want to add a file, you can add it directly to an expense and then add itto the report.

Can I delete an expense already added to an expense report?

Yes, you can delete an expense already added to an expense report but in this case, deleting the expense will also remove it from the Expense Report and the system will also show the same warning before deleting such an expense.

Can I undo the report submission?

Yes, a report submission can be undone by recalling the report but only before an approver has accepted or rejected the report. The recalled report can then be modified and re-submitted.

What are the custom fields? How can I add a custom field to my expense report?

Custom fields are the additional fields that can be added to Expenses based on the requirements of an organization. These fields can be added/removed/modified/disabled by the admin from the below path.
Admin Dashboard -> Admin -> Data fields -> Expense Fields


Can an approver edit the expenses that are submitted to them?

No, an approver cannot edit the expenses. However, they can choose to approve an expense for a partial amount. If the approver wants any other changes in an expense they can ask the submitter to edit the report and resubmit.

Can a rejected report be approved again?

Yes, a rejected report can be approved again. But only an admin or a user with permission to “Approve/Reject company-wide reports” can approve a rejected report.

Can a rejected report be reimbursed?

No, a rejected report cannot be reimbursed. But only an admin or a user with permission to “Approve/Reject company-wide reports” can approve a rejected report after which it can be reimbursed.

Can admins view the expense reports submitted to another approver?

Yes, the admin users with permission to “Approve/Reject company-wide reports” can view the expense reports submitted to another approver.

Can an admin approve a report submitted to another approver?

Yes, the admin users with permission to “Approve/Reject company-wide reports” can approve/reject the expense reports submitted to another approver. But, this should not be done in the usual course of action.

Can an approver reject individual expenses in the report?

Yes, an approver can reject individual expenses in a report by clicking on the Reject Expense option for the corresponding expense entry.

How do I set up a hierarchical/multi-stage approval flow?

A Hierarchical approval flow can be setup from the admin dashboard from the below path:
Admin Dashboard -> Admin -> Expense Approval Workflow

How many maximum levels of approval can be set?

In Zaggle EMS, currently you can set up to 5 levels of approval.

If the approver is out of office, can someone else be appointed to approve the reports?

Yes, in case an approver is out of office, they can set up an out of office approver from the user menu.

Can reports with policy violations be approved?

Yes, reports with Policy Violation can be approved. But, a warning will be shown to each approver before approving or reimbursing such a report.


When should a report be marked as reimbursed?

Currently, Zaggle EMS supports only offline payments, hence the reimbursement for an approved report should be recorded only after paying the employee.

How to reimburse the expense reports?

To record reimbursement for an offline payment, the approver can go to any approved report and click Reimburse.

How to set custom fields for Reimbursement?

Custom fields for reimbursement can be set by the admin from the below path:
Admin Dashboard -> Admin -> Reimbursements