Are you still creating an expense report manually?
Would you believe us if we told you getting an expense management software will make your work 22% faster? Know how, check how much money you’d save if you switched to Expense Management Software!
According to a survey conducted by the Global Business Travel Association (GBTA), Here are a few quick facts:
One expenditure report takes:
20 minutes to complete
18 minutes to correct
INR 4312/- to process
INR 3866/- to fix
Up for quick math? (Image representation)
If you are a firm with 300 employees with 5 expenditure reports per employee:

Now that’s a lot of time and money!
For businesses, switching from paper or excel-based expense reporting to expense management software can be a substantial change. Here’s how expense management software simplifies the expense reporting process:
Tracking and Reporting Made Simple: Generally, Expense Tracking Software comes with simple business receipt tracking features to save staff time and effort when it comes to expense reporting.
Custom Workflows for Automatic Approvals: With the expense management software you can configure automatic report submission reminders and auto-approve reports after the workflow is loaded into the system and policies are set, effectively eliminating bottlenecks in the expense approval process. Here’s a free 28-day trial of Zaggle EMS!
Quicker Expense Reimbursements: Employees can submit accurate expense reports using expense management software. It also eliminates the need for ongoing communication between stakeholders to ensure timely expenditure report submissions, approvals, and reimbursements for employees.
Strong Adherence to the Expense Policy: Policy checks are automated with expense tracking software, and any violations are alerted to the approvers. This helps the approvers take the required action without wasting time on verification. The finance team has more critical and important tasks to accomplish than checking cost claims against policies, here’s a tool that can come in handy.
You may finally say goodbye to manual expense reports using ZaggleEMS. Gone are the days when you had to track down receipts and break your hectic schedule to make a tedious expense report. Now you simply spend using the Zaggle Zinger card. Transactions are instantly recorded in the app, allowing you and your financial staff to keep track of everything in real time.